SVG Importer for VPaint

December 5, 2019

Hi everyone!

Great news, there is good progress on VPaint 1.7 :-)

While I was going through the list of VPaint's bug reports and feature requests, I was reminded that @scribblemaniac had started to implement an SVG importer for VPaint a few years ago. I thought it would be sad to let this work go to waste, so through a combined effort we now have a minimal SVG importer working, which will be part of VPaint 1.7. Thank you so much scribblemaniac for your work!

There are many things that it still cannot import (complex styling, masks, filters, markers, and animations, among other things), but any path geometry, basic shapes, and the "stroke", "fill", and "stroke-width" style attributes should be okay. Also, the importer doesn't yet support the "transform" attribute (so shapes may appear at incorrect locations), but this I should be able to implement in a couple of days.

I've also updated the About dialog of VPaint, to include information about VGC and where the project is going. Note that the screenshot below is still showing "Version: 1.6" for now; it will obviously be updated to "Version: 1.7" upon release.

Thanks again for your support!


Stay tuned

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