New team, new office, and public grant received 🚀
March 23, 2022
It's time to share the good news!
Most importantly, Even has finally joined the team :) He's been working full-time on the project since March 1st, remotely at first, but he has now joined Montpellier, France, where VGC Software is based.
For the occasion, the company is now renting a cool new office (15m² - small but cosy) in Cap Omega, a building owned by the public startup incubator BIC de Montpellier. We've been working together in this office since Monday, and making good progress on the code.
We're still working on the backend so far: developing a generic C++ UI library (with Python bindings) that will be the foundation of the whole VGC graphics suite. For the readers familiar with Qt, the VGC UI library will be quite similar to Qt, but solving some of its shortcomings, and fine-tuned for high-performance drawing applications. The past two weeks, we've been focused on the development of a signal/slot mechanism with an interface similar to Qt, but without the need to run a preprocessor such as MOC.
Last but not least, we have finally received the CNC public grant (Centre National du Cinema), which was initially accepted in December 2020 (!). Indeed, French administration is not known for its speed. There had been plenty of delays due to the company not fitting exactly in all their boxes, but now everything is all good. The grant is approximately 40,000 euros, paid in two installments: 70% has already been transferred, and we should receive the remaining 30% in about a year.
Together with the CREALIA loan and the money raised during the Kickstarter campaign, we now have enough funds to work full time on the project for at least 12 months. We're still aiming to release a first minimal usable version of VGC Illustration mid-2022, although there might of course be some delays (it is unfortunately difficult to accurately estimate software development time).
Thank you all for your support and your patience!
Stay tuned
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